Ian Nicolas Anderson


Baby Anderson


Saturday, February 28, 2009

"The Naked Phase"

I have always wondered why children feel the need to go through the phase of taking all their clothes off. I still don't know why but I know that Ian does. Within the last few days he has been taking off shirt. Now today it was the shirt, pants, and then the diaper. He proceeded to run through the house laughing. The best though was when he decided he wanted to read his books naked. There he was sitting in his room reading a book stark naked. Only my son!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm a slacker!

So I realize I haven't posted anything in a long time. With work and Ian blogging just takes the back seat. I have had an appointment since my last post and an ultrasound. I know, I know....get pictures up. I will. The appointment went well. Heartbeat 168 and healthy. At the ultrasound we decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We took some friends moto that there are very few suprises left in the world. Believe me I wanted to but something told me to just wait. I have a feeling it might be a girl but we will be very happy whatever sex it is. After having Ian now for over a year I think it would be really fun to have a butt load of boys. I am also afraid that if it is a girl Brett will be less likely to want another child. I think I would like 3 but if Brett gets one boy and one girl I think he will want to be done. Oh well.

Friday, January 9, 2009

2nd Appointment

All is good! I have most happy about not gaining any weight so far. My goal is to keep it low, within 15 pounds would be awesome!?! In 4 weeks I have "the ultrasound". Brett has decided, well I guess we both have, not to find out the sex. We want to leave it a suprise for the big day.

Monday, December 22, 2008

First Photo

Taken on December 11 at our first appointment. Makes it feel much more real even though I have been sick to my stomach this whole time. Since my cycle was so long and I knew when we conceived the due date was changed from June 30 to July 9. I have a feeling though that it will change again. I calculated July13 from conception so the little guy or girl is growing very well. My personal goal is to have the baby by June 30. I know it can be done, I did it with Ian!

Ian's Kisses

Ian is begining to understand that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. It is rather precious! Brett and I will ask Ian where the baby is and he will lift up my shirt. We then say give the baby a kiss and he kisses my belly button. If he only knew how much this is going to change his life.